
The most popular gTLDs (.com and .net)

The shortest domain names ever with a huge selection

Brand Protection

Receive email 1 alias email address (i.e 𐊐@𐊐.com)

No cost Privacy Protection

Safeguard DNSSEC

Free Upgrade status anytime without any commitment

Parked Web-page

Simple Analytical Reports

Free Google Workspace Business Starter

Secure and Reliable Cloud DNS

Super-fast DNS Resolution

24/7 Email Support

2-5.org's affiliates DNS


The most popular gTLDs (.com and .net)

The shortest domain names ever with a huge selection

Brand Protection

Receive email 10 alias email address (i.e 𐊐@𐊐.com)

No cost Privacy Protection

Safeguard DNSSEC

Free Upgrade or Downgrade status anytime without any commitment

Active Web-page

Standard Analytical Reports

Free Google Workspace Business Standard

Secure and Reliable Cloud DNS

Super-fast DNS Resolution

24/7 Email, Chat Support

2-5.org's affiliates DNS


The most popular gTLDs (.com and .net)

The shortest domain names ever with a huge selection

Brand Protection

Receive email 100 alias email address (i.e 𐊐@𐊐.com)

No cost Privacy Protection

Safeguard DNSSEC

Free Downgrade status anytime without any commitment

Your Web-page

Advanced Analytical Reports

Free Google Workspace Business Plus

Secure and Reliable Cloud DNS

Super-fast DNS Resolution

24/7 Email, Chat, Phone Support

2-5.org's affiliates DNS, Dynadot DNS, Godaddy DNS, Namecheap DNS Options

Automatic Domain Verification

Forward many subdomains up to 100 subdomains

(i.e forward.𐊐.com)

301 Permanent Redirect Option

302 Temporary Redirect Option

Path forwarding Option

Forwarding over SSL Option

Manual Domain Verification

Forward many subdomains up to 10 subdomains

(i.e forward.𐊐.com)

301 Permanent Redirect Option

302 Temporary Redirect Option

Path forwarding Option

Forwarding over SSL Option

Design many sites up to 100 subdomains

(i.e design.𐊐.com)

Integrations with Google Sites, Wix, Squarespace, Bluehost + Wordpress, Shopify, Weebly, Blogger, Firebase

Use your custom name server

Access to Email configuration options

Gain access to professional tools below

Manage 15 Types of Resource Records

TTL Configurations

Manage Dynamic DNS

Export BIND/YAML Files

Gain access to DNSSEC Records below

Manage 9 Types of Algorithm Records

Manage 4 Types of Digest Type Records

Keytag and Digest Configurations

Full or Restricted domain sharing option with other users

Access to EAB Key Credentials

Access to ACME Protocol DNS API Token

Monetization & Other

aqaca.com SOON

screr.com SOON

wutsu.com SOON

ophom.com SOON

plauf.com SOON

rudav.com SOON

zunuk.com SOON

yezez.com SOON

ajiju.com SOON

qesex.com SOON

afmuz.com SOON

oylot.com SOON

rirch.com SOON

ehzen.com SOON

cibut.com SOON

oqify.com SOON

ejdex.com SOON

arpul.com SOON

ehzon.com SOON

shrer.com SOON

uqobn.com SOON

xstad.com SOON

afnuz.com SOON

ukaha.com SOON

pidiv.com SOON

cakya.com SOON

aylot.com SOON

unucu.com SOON

eceze.com SOON

piypil.com SOON

iberola.com SOON

chatafat.com SOON

Monetization & 13




depo13.com SOON


2nd13.com SOON


dra13.com SOON

dum13.com SOON


pre13.com SOON

y-13.com SOON

o-13.com SOON

u13.com SOON


ib13.com SOON

oi13.com SOON

oj13.com SOON


ud13.com SOON

uy13.com SOON

zo13.com SOON

i13i.com SOON

j13j.com SOON

l13l.com SOON

t13t.com SOON

u13u.com SOON

y13y.com SOON

p13q.com SOON

q13p.com SOON

sh13op.com SOON


About Us & Other

2-5.org (Single-Letter Domains HRL)

2-5.org/es (2-5.org's Spanish Version)

2-5.org/a/s (2-5.org's F.A.Q)

limitless.2-5.org (2-5.org's Limitless Version)

dugrade.2-5.org (Downgrade or Upgrade 2-5.org Domains)

service.2-5.org (2-5.org's Services BETA)

list.2-5.org (2-5.org's Lists)

6-1.org (2-Letter Domains HRL)

6-1.org/es (6-1.org's Spanish Version)

dugrade.6-1.org (Downgrade or Upgrade 6-1.org Domains)

service.6-1.org (6-1.org's Services SOON)

list.6-1.org (6-1.org's Lists)

0-4.org (3-Letter Domains HRL)

dugrade.0-4.org (Downgrade or Upgrade 0-4.org Domains)

service.0-4.org (0-4.org's Services SOON)

list.0-4.org (0-4.org's Lists)

0-5.org (1-letter domains priced under $5000)

1-letter.com (2-5.org's Route Version)

2-letter.com (6-1.org's Route Version)

3-letter.com (0-4.org's Route Version)

shortdomain.net (Website Portfolios)

1-character.com (1-Letter Domains Buy & Sell)

2-character.com (2-Letter Domains Buy & Sell)

3-character.com (3-Letter Domains Buy & Sell)

shortestdomain.com (You are on here!)

dan.com (Single-Letter Domains on Dan)

dan.com (2-Letter Domains on Dan)

dan.com (3-Letter Domains on Dan)

shortestdomain.net (Currently redirects to here!)

2-3.org (Currently redirects to 2-character.com)

1-5.org (2-5.org's DNS Backup)

6-0.org (6-1.org's DNS Backup)

4-1.org (0-4.org's DNS Backup)

expert.shopco.com (Domain Registration Service)